

To meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, people all over the world have to make sustainable choices at all times. This includes the choices you make as a geotechnician.

The purpose of the WG Sustainability is to drive the direction and focus for sustainability in geotechnical engineering within ELGIP.

Focus areas

Include resources optimisation, saving of natural aggregates, use of new sustainable environment friendly materials/methods, reuse/recycle/repurpose of waste materials and reuse of existing foundations.

Planning tools
Tools that consider multifunctionality of the underground like e.g. ecosystem services.

Sustainability assessment methods
Methods that consider equality/social justice, economic development and environmental protection.

Develop LCA perspective
Climate database for ground improvement methods, reliable and resilient design.

Social acceptability
Tool to consider the social aspects in geotechnical projects.

Reduce energy consumption
Innovative technologies, soil stabilization with alternative binders from bi-products from industry, saving of greenfields by soil reinforcement for fill (geosynthetic solutions) and cut (soil nailing).

Nature-based solutions
Coming up with solutions providing benefits for both human well-being and biodiversity.